Weiß Schwarz - Trial Deck+(Plus) Adventure Time - EN

SKU: 109358
Angebot20,00 €

inkl. MwSt. und zzgl. Versandkosten

What time is it? It's Adventure Time… in Weiß Schwarz!
The hit series from Cartoon Network joins the Weiß Schwarz lineup!
A show enjoyed by fans of all ages, the massive popularity of Adventure
Time spawned 10 seasons and ran for nearly a decade.
Relive your favorite memories of Finn the Human and Jake the Dog's adventures in the Land of Ooo, right here on the Weiß Schwarz stage!
The cards in this Trial Deck+ may be used together with cards with card number beginning with?AT/?!
Parallel Cards
Parallel cards are randomly sealed into decks!
Every deck contains 2 shiny cards!
Additional information will be revealed soon!

Products Specifications
20 types of cards + 7 parallels
50 Cards per Deck, 6 Decks per Display