Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team Annual 2023 Englisch

SKU: 116860
Angebot44,00 €

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Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team: Annual 2023 (English) – All-in-One Update

The Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team: Annual 2023 is your essential guide to the latest rules, missions, and updates for Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team. This comprehensive book compiles everything you need to keep your games fresh, balanced, and thrilling.


  • New Warhammer 40.000 Kill Teams: Complete rules for Kill Teams introduced in recent expansions.

  • Updated Missions: Fresh scenarios and challenges to enhance gameplay.

  • Errata and Balance Updates: Streamlined rules and adjustments for a fairer and smoother experience.

  • Lore and Background: Explore the evolving Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team narrative for 2023.

Why You Need It:
Whether you're a seasoned Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team veteran or a newcomer, this book is perfect for staying up to date and diving deeper into the Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team universe.

Prepare your squad with the Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team: Annual 2023 and lead them to glory!